Stay safe this Saint Patrick’s Day.
Saint Patrick’s Day is right around the corner! For many people, the best way to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day is by letting loose and drinking green-colored alcohol. While there’s nothing wrong with indulging every once in a while, it’s important that you keep safety on your mind. This Saint Patrick’s Day, watch out for yourself by keeping these safety tips in mind.
Arrange a Ride
If you are planning on drinking this Saint Patrick’s Day, make sure you arrange a ride beforehand. Whether you appoint a designated driver, call a cab, or rely on a ride-sharing service, just make sure that you do not get behind the wheel if you’ve had something to drink. Remember, drunk driving doesn’t just put you at risk; it threatens the lives of innocent bystanders as well.
Do Not Accept Strange Drinks
If you are celebrating at a bar, a club, or a party, it’s important that you do not accept open drinks from strangers. Additionally, you should never consume a drink that you have left unattended. Unfortunately, there are many instances of drinks being drugged in public places. If you so much as suspect that your drink has been tampered with, discard it immediately.
Drive Carefully
Even if you are not partying this Saint Patrick’s Day, you might still be at risk. This is especially true if you are driving after dark. With the alcohol flowing freely, there’s bound to be intoxicated drivers on the road. That’s why you need to keep you eye out and employ defensive driving strategies whenever necessary.
Keep these safety tips in mind to protect yourself and others this Saint Patrick’s Day. Want another way to protect yourself? Make sure you have the right personal insurance coverages in place. To find the right policies to fit your needs, contact the professionals at Randy Jones Insurance Services. Located in Pleasanton, California, our dedicated team is ready to get you the coverage you need today.